Lavender Martini Recipe

Gin, Lavender, Lillet Blanc, Lemon Peel

About the Lavender Martini
Lillet (pronounced lee-ay) is a French aperitif wine infused with orange liqueur and quinine, which you probably know from its role in tonic water. It's used in a lot of situations where dry vermouth would also be applicable, but lends a very different profile to the resulting drink. Hence its role in this delicious, flowery variation on the classic Martini.

This cocktail is found in Gin Cocktails.

How to Make a Lavender Martini

The Lavender Martini is typically served in a Cocktail Glass.


4 sprigs fresh lavender or a couple of tablespoons of dried lavender buds
1.5 oz gin (Aviation and Dry Fly are both made with lavender. Hendrick’s is also an herby choice.)
0.5 oz Lillet Blanc
Lemon peel


  1. Muddle the lavender with the gin in a cocktail shaker.
  2. Add the Lillet and stir with ice.
  3. Strain into a cocktail glass. If you don’t want any lavender buds ending up in your cocktail, double strain it with a fine mesh strainer over the glass before pouring.
  4. Garnish with a lemon peel and a lavender sprig if you have one.

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