Water Moccasin Shot Recipe

Peach Schnapps, Whiskey, Triple Sec, Lime Juice, Simple Syrup

About the Water Moccasin Shot
The Water Moccasin shot recipe features five ingredients: whiskey, peach schnapps, triple sec, lime juice, and simple syrup. It's a popular drink at college parties and bars, and just like the snake, it's got a bite.When making the Water Moccasin shot, you can choose your favorite whiskey, but there's no need to reach for anything particularly expensive or refined. A tried and true blended whiskey like Crown Royal does the trick, and it's a common pick among bartenders. In general, Canadian whisky is the way to go here, as it's smooth and easygoing and won't overpower the other ingredients. A lot of Water Moccasin recipes call for sweet and sour, but we prefer to use a fresh sour mix—essentially just an equal parts mix of lime juice and simple syrup. This removes some of the unnecessary additives present in sweet and sour, and it yields a better tasting drink that plays nicely with the peach flavor of the schnapps and the citrusy notes in the triple sec.Given the Water Moccasin's mix of ingredients, it works best as a chilled shot. But if you really like the flavor, you can always pour this simple drink over ice and sip it as a cocktail. In either case, add the ingredients to a cocktail shaker, shake with ice, then strain into your preferred glass. You'll find some Water Moccasin variations that call for pineapple juice or orange juice. Drink whatever you like, but we find those additions unnecessary, and they significantly change the taste. So, even though this isn't the most nuanced shot out there, we still suggest keeping it classic. That said, if you do want to experiment, you might try the similar Green Tea Shot, which features Jameson Irish whiskey, peach schnapps, sour mix (or fresh citrus), and lemon-lime soda, like Sprite.See below for the recipe, and check out more party shots.

This cocktail is found in Liqueur Cocktails Whiskey Cocktails.

How to Make a Water Moccasin Shot

The Water Moccasin Shot is typically served in a Shot Glass.


1 ounce peach schnapps
1 ounce whiskey (such as Crown Royal)
0.5 ounce triple sec
0.5 ounce fresh sour mix (0.25 oz lime juice, and 0.25 oz simple syrup)


  1. Add the peach schnapps, whiskey, triple sec, lime juice and simple syrup to a shaker with ice, and shake until well-chilled.
  2. Strain into two shot glasses, or serve over ice in an Old-Fashioned glass.

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