Plenty of celebrities endorse spirits brands. Many of them endorse vodka brands. Dan Akroyd (Crystal Head) and Diddy (Circoc) come to mind. But none of that matters anymore. Because Dennis Rodman — jetsetting friend to North Korea and piercing aficionado — has just introduced his very own Bad Boy Vodka. And that’s just about the best news we’ve heard all year.
Now, don’t think that Dennis (known as “the Worm”, in some circles) distilled this one himself. No, Premier Brands, Inc. developed the product using Rodman’s bad boy image. But lest you think it’s merely a contrived product capitalizing on Rodman’s reputation, Dennis is quick to point out: “Bad Boy Vodka characterizes a tough and edgy, yet smooth and classic taste; a perfect representation of whom and what I am all about.” So that settles that.
Playing off that image, the Bad Boy Vodka bottle features some menacing font, plus a picture of a bull — perhaps in tribute to Rodman’s time with the Chicago Bulls. The website is a pretty fun read. It notes that vodka is produced by distilling fermented substances like grains or potatoes, but it doesn’t tell us what Bay Boy is distilled from. The website also lists the alcohol content at 13%, but… we’ll go ahead and assume that’s a mistake, as nearly all vodkas clock in at 40% alcohol by volume. And 13% is more akin to wine that liquor.
All that said, you’ve got to be suspicious of this one. But hey, the man once grabbed 34 rebounds in a game. He once averaged 19 boards per game over an entire season. And that, friends, is reason enough to purchase a bottle of Bad Boy Vodka. Not because we’re confident it’ll taste good. But because we appreciate a guy who works hard on the glass. Or something. Anyway: Dennis Rodman. New vodka. Tell your friends.
Starting July 27th, Bad Boy Vodka will become available at select retailers throughout California, with further distribution coming down the road. It’ll cost you about $20.
Awesome!!! Getting some bad boy vodka!