Cocktail Recipes

Espresso Cocktails

Espresso Cocktails


Coffee is huge these days. Consumers are regularly blending beans at home. Artisan coffee shops are popping up on seemingly every corner. Restaurants are paying more attention to their coffee service. And bars are exploring the synergy between coffee/espresso and…

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Linie Aquavit Review


**Editor’s Note: Please welcome Ian Reilly — bartender, writer and new Cocktail Enthusiast contributor. For his first post, we threw him into the fire. With Akvavit.** Let me start by addressing the uninitiated akvavit/aquavit drinker: this is one bizarre tipple….

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Cinco de Derby

Cinco de Derby


With the Kentucky Derby falling on May 5th, our collective inbox is filled with a confusing mess of cocktail recipes. We’ve got the requisite mint juleps, of course, plus a handful of tequila cocktails for Cinco de Mayo. Then there…

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cynar cocktails

Mixing with Cynar


Cynar is perhaps my new favorite ingredient for crafting cocktails. I’ve been drinking the stuff, usually straight, for several years, but it’s only recently that I’ve begun to really experiment with Cynar cocktails. While the bottle prominently features an artichoke,…

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Happy Hot Buttered Rum Day


File this under the I-can’t-believe-this-is-a-real-holiday-but-I’m-sure-glad-it-is category. January 17th marks Hot Buttered Rum Day, and as with all drinking holidays, we’re happy to partake. Hot Buttered Rum is one of our favorite seasonal drinks and is a nice change-of-pace from egg…

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brandy crusta cocktail recipe

Brandy Crusta


The Brandy Crusta was perhaps the pinnacle of 1800s cocktailing. First created around 1840 or 1850, the Brandy Crusta modified the classic cocktail template — spirit, sugar, water and bitters — with some fresh lemon juice and a dash of…

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Fernet Beyond Branca

Fernet Beyond Branca


Fernet, that most bitter of Italian amari, has reached cult-like status in recent years. It’s a favorite shot for bartenders, a popular digestivo in San Francisco – Northern California accounts for nearly 40% of all Fernet Branca’s U.S. sales –…

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Holiday Cocktail Recipes

Holiday Cocktail Recipes


The holidays are approaching, which means our inboxes are being inundated with holiday cocktail recipes. We’ll include some of the better ones below and will continue updating this post as drinks roll in. Here’s to happy and festive drinking this…

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Thanksgiving Cocktail Recipes


Happy Thanksgiving, fellow drinkers! If you’re looking for some holiday-appropriate libations, we’ve got you covered. Check below for Thanksgiving cocktails, and give thanks for what’s in your glass. Of course, if an eating binge makes cocktail crafting too complicated, no…

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Halloween Cocktail Recipes


Halloween’s coming, and with it, another excuse for thematic cocktails. Whether you’re hosting a party or simply occupying the front porch and turning the hose on neighborhood kids, try the below cocktail recipes for a good time. Note that we…

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