Cocktail Recipes

Bee’s Knees Cocktail Recipe


An easy-drinking classic, the Bee’s Knees is a simple three part cocktail that combines gin, lemon and honey. It’s a product of the Prohibition era, when bathtub gin needed a good dose of citrus and sugar to be palatable. Back…

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Absinthe Frappe Recipe


The Absinthe Frappe, like many classic cocktails, traces its origins back to New Orleans. It was first concocted in the 1870s at the Old Absinthe House, a bar that still stands today. And while many drinks like the Sazerac use…

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Delicious Sour

An Apple Cocktail a Day…


You know all those sayings about apples and doctors? Well, we’re not sure if the same logic applies to apple cocktails. But we’d like to think it does. So while apple picking season is in full effect, we’ll increase our…

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old fashioned cocktail

9 Cocktails Every Guy Should Know


Whether you ply the trade or not, everyone is a bartender on occasion. And every home bartender or party-hosting drinks maker can benefit from knowing some basic, classic cocktail recipes. Treating your guests to a well-made, simple cocktail is a…

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labor day cocktails

Easy Labor Day Cocktails


Labor Day, by definition, is a day we’re not supposed to do any work. That’s what makes it one of our favorite days of the year, and that’s also why the below cocktail recipes are exceedingly easy. No infusions, no…

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cuba libre

Cuba Libre Recipe


The Cuba Libre is a classic rum cocktail comprised of three simple parts: rum, lime and cola. As the story goes, to celebrate the end of the Cuban War of Independence, an American soldier named Captain Russell ordered a drink…

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